Bible College


(Business as a Mission)
-Timothy Keller

Currently Terebinth Ministries is training 38 pastors through a three year school, as well as providing support to 181 widows and approximately 600 fatherless children. A $50 commitment sponsors one pastor in the School of Discipleship or supports one widow. Your monthly recurring gift will:
Each of our core programs is outlined below, along with the impact your prayers and financial support are having in the Gulu district of Uganda.
Terebinth Bible College
Equipping local pastors and church leaders is the primary focus of Terebinth Ministries. Terebinth Bible College is the first and only accredited Bible school in Northern Uganda. Our school equips pastors from all over Uganda and the surrounding countries, to lead healthy churches and impact their communities for Jesus. By teaching pastors, they in turn are able to reach their communities with the truth of God’s Word. It’s not an addition equation, but a multiplication of souls won and discipled through their community pastors. Unfortunately, the majority of pastors in Uganda are not trained and equipped to teach the Bible and lead churches. A staggering statistic is that only 9 in 1,000 pastors in Uganda are formally trained in the Bible. Inaccurate teachings, such as the Prosperity Gospel, the Word of Faith Movement, and syncretistic local religious teachings are extremely common, making Uganda a confused population of believers. Our school labors with the students through intense Bible teaching to root our falsehoods and inaccurate Gospel teachings. Our students come from many walks of life, and often their only resource is the Bible. We ensure every student can interpret Scripture with Scripture, so even the most remote villages are able to hear the entirety of God’s Word in an accurate and understandable way.

Widow’s Ministry
The Widow’s Ministry is where our ministry partners with our best and brightest students to reach ‘the least of these’ in their communities. Due to years of war and disease, the number of widows and fatherless children in Northern Uganda is extremely high. We work with our student pastors to train up committed members in their churches and send them out on a weekly basis to disciple and feed widows who are selected into the program. The widows with the ability to work are provided an opportunity to support their families through selling of products from our farm. The discipleship groups are comprised of a group of five or more widows, but often expand to neighbors, friends, and family. We have seen numerous people come to Jesus during these times, including the widows themselves! Each month, our widows receive a healthy food package of 10 kgs of maize flour, 5 kgs of rice, 5 kgs of beans, three liters of pure sunflower cooking oil, and two chickens. This amount of food is able to feed the widow and an average of five fatherless children for about two weeks. Not only do the widows have their own children, but many of them take in other children as well. Currently, 180+ widows/600+ fatherless children are being fed and discipled in the program each month, with the hope of more widows in joining in the future.
BAM (Business as a Mission)
BAM (Business as a Mission) Enterprises farming project processes high quality food for the Widows Ministry and the community. The project is dedicated to providing fair prices, exceptional products, and sustainable work for the local community. During the COVID-19 lockdown, over 35,000 people were fed through BAM in partnerships with people like you! Each person who came for food was given the gospel message and prayed over. The community of farmers surrounding BAM Enterprises knows they can always bring their produce and get a fair, consistent price. For those who like the idea of a ministry participating in raising its’ own funds and working toward sustainability, BAM primarily exists to allow Terebinth to be operationally sustainable in the near future, which means it should be able to pay all the Terebinth employee’s salaries, insurance, taxes, along with other expenses at the office level. This means your donation will go directly to supporting more pastors and widows. Each donation partners you with the Terebinth team to bring sustainable, Biblical training to pastors and leaders in Uganda.