The Terebinth Bible College (TBC) is an accredited Bible college located in Northern Uganda. Our mission is to equip pastors and church leaders to transform communities. Many of our students come from a region where Bible resources, materials or Bible schools are not readily available; our emphasis is training these pastors and leaders to be Biblically literate by using Scripture to interpret Scripture.
The students in the school are provided with housing and food for the entirety of the degree program. We make every effort to eliminate obstacles and barriers to learning. The school also puts a heavy emphasis on teaching and training sustainable farming practices. The majority of our students are subsistence farmers who rely on farming to provide for their families. We feel that the Gospel should be applied to all aspects of our lives and training our students to learn more techniques on farming and using God’s creation, with Godly wisdom, to provide for their families and their churches.

What makes our school different from others?
We put a high emphasis on interpreting scripture with scripture. The students will walk away from the program with a firm grasp on how to use the entire Bible in order to teach with accuracy and know God in a personal way. Also, the students will briefly work every day on farming projects in order to grow the food for their school, which keeps fees to a minimum, but also to train and equip the student to practically know how to farm with skill and build their confidence on starting a sustainable project in their homes.
The school is broken up in to three modules each year. During each module, the students come to campus and stay for approximately 5 weeks, learning multiple subjects each time. The school provides a computer lab for typing papers and researching pertinent subjects and a well-stocked library to meet the needs of students sourcing the appropriate references for their papers.