Terebinth Ministries

November 2018 Update

We rely solely on donations from people like you who have a heart to see people ministered to in Uganda. We thank you for prayerfully considering donating.

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Terebinth School of Discipleship

Both of the classes of the Terebinth School of Discipleship is continuing on through Scripture. In the last few months the first class has covered Matthew, Luke, and Acts. Romans and 1&2 Thessalonians are being covered this week, and the students are working hard to cover the material. They are establishing core doctrines through the New Testament on the foundation of the Old Testament. 
The second class has finished Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus. They have laid a firm foundation in the Law seeing how the Pentateuch points us to the coming Messiah. They will study Numbers this month, and finish out with Deuteronomy coming next.
Luke, Matthew, and Noelle have begun going to visit the student’s churches one Sunday a month. Fred, Jimmy, and Samuel have traveled around to disciple and encourage the students from the first class at their homes.
Please continue to pray for the students of the first class to have strength and focus as they come close to the end of their time in class. Pray for the second school as they labor through some of the most difficult, but important books of the Bible. Pray for the leadership as running two simultaneous classes puts a huge demand on them for study, curriculum development, and intense discipleship. The fruit in both classes has been wonderful and encouraging.
For more information about the Terebinth School of Discipleship, click here
Luke teaching through Leviticus
One of the student’s taking notes during class

Dream Center Uganda Clinic

Exciting things are on their way! 
Many of you have probably seen the announcement about how we are working to raise funds to renovate the clinic this coming December and January. We are working to put in new tile floors, fix the walls, and put in ceiling boards. We will have to temporarily close inpatient services, but many of our services will remain functional. Pray for wisdom as we move forward with these projects!
We have welcomed some new staff to our team and things are running on very smoothly. Our numbers are continuing to increase. We have begun working with a committee of the community to improve services and relationship with the community around. 
For more information about the Dream Center Clinic, click here.
Click here to see our update and needs for DCU Clinic.
The Dream Center Clinic

BAM Enterprises

We need more eggs!
The chickens have been laying well, but the demand is still climbing. People are loving BAM’s eggs and buy them as fast as they can be produced. We are busy buying up maize and sunflowers while the prices are low. We will make chicken feeds, oil, posho, and flour from what has been bought up. We have been busy milling for the community as well.
The tilapia have continued to grow well, but keeping a consistent water level has proved to be a struggle as dry season approached. Hopefully soon we will be able to sell off the mature fish.
Please pray for BAM as we seek to build a new chicken house, and continue expanding services. Becoming self-sustaining is no small task, but we trust that things will continue moving on well.
For more information on BAM Enterprises, click here.
Maize and Sunflower filling the warehouse.
One of our day laborers milling maize.
Some of the BAM chickens milling in the free range area.
Things have been very busy with the administrative and logistical side of Dream Center. Please keep the leadership lifted up for wisdom as we proceed forward. Continue to lift up the wonderful staff as they press forward in serving God in Adak and Gulu. 
We are so thankful for the love and support from everyone. If you would like to reach out, you can email info@terebinthministries.net