Terebinth Ministries

Renovations are Coming!!

We rely solely on donations from people like you who have a heart to see people ministered to in Uganda. We thank you for prayerfully considering donating.

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Giving Tuesday

Hello everyone! 
Giving Tuesday is upon us. It is the largest day in the U.S. for folks to give. It makes sense that a season of thankfulness would produce generous giving.
We wanted to take a minute today just to say thank you to each and every one of you for your prayers and support.
In our staff meeting the other day, Kent began to mention each of the things that have happened in 2018. We wanted to take a minute to share some of what your generous contributions have achieved in one short year:
  • A finished, new warehouse for BAM, and a brand new attached garage
  • 2 chicken houses built and now filled with around 1,500 chickens (all of whom are laying eggs now!)
  • 2 tilapia ponds built and stocked with fish (who are nearly ready to be harvested!)
  • A new sunflower oil press up and running
  • A new maize miller
  • A new brain miller
  • The rice miller was finally repaired
  • A fodder project for feeding the animals
  • Added around 10 new day laborer positions to bring jobs to the community
  • Added several new staff positions to the BAM project
  • Began selling “Mama T’s” posho, oil, and eggs to the community around
  • Addiontal rooms built in the clinic for increased demand
  • Added a Compassion International project to the clinic
  • Added a program for pregnant moms to get virtually free care
  • Treated approximately 1900 outpatient cases and 500 admissions at the clinic.
  • Nearly 250 babies were born in our clinic, and around 1000 antenatal visits!!
  • Added 2 new staff positions to the clinic
  • Started a new school for 35 pastors to study the Bible (and have studied almost the entire Pentateuch)
  • The first TSD school finished the Old Testament in its entirety
  • Added 3 new dormitory rooms for the students of the Terebinth School of Discipleship
  • Hosted a team of around 20 folks from the US
  • Had a pastor’s conference with around 40 pastors in attendance
  • Added 2 new missionary staff
  • 1 baby born to missionary staff, 3 adopted children added to missionary families
  • 2 babies born to local staff
It has been a year that has been trying, rewarding, and amazing to be a part of! We aren’t done yet, however! Before the week is out we will begin renovating the Dream Center Clinic. If you haven’t seen the update video about the renovations to come you can watch it below. Even though we are so glad to be starting the renovations, we still need your help to reach our goal to bring a quality site for our quality health care!
Next year is shaping up to be just as incredible! New doors and opportunities are opening up and all we can say is “Praise God!” He has been faithful to bless what He has called this ministry to. He has blessed your prayers and giving with fruitful ministry.
So on this giving Tuesday, we want to take a minute to be thankful. We are thankful that God is faithful and at work here in Uganda. We are thankful for your faithful support. We are thankful to be in this ministry, joining in the work of God as He brings spiritual and physical health.
Dream Center Clinic Update and Announcement!