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Terebinth School of Discipleship

It has been a nice break to only have one class! Curriculum development has continued along with some of the longest books in the Bible. The students have completed 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, Mark, and are working through Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther this week. The students are working more independently and in groups as they build on the foundations established earlier in class. 
The chance to study Mark in-depth was especially fun. The class went from books that covered 30-50 chapters, to focusing in on Jesus and the gospel message. Rather than testing out, the students had to prepare a 5-10 minute gospel presentation and share with the teachers. One of our teachers attests that clear gospel presentation in class is so important because many mixed messages are presented when the word ‘gospel’ comes up. Many of our students have been taught the gospel of ‘and’, ie Jesus AND good works, Jesus AND prosperity, Jesus AND the right church etc.It is such a delight to focus in on Jesus and Jesus alone for His atoning work.
This week has been a wonderful week of study so far with discussions ranging from God’s sovereignty/man’s free will to Biblical numerology, and alleged inconsistencies in Scripture. These conversations have not only been enlightening, but encouraging because many of the questions are coming from the student’s congregations as they teach. The second year of the school has proven to be both difficult and rewarding for the students. When polled on how many students have read the entire Bible, only a handful could raise their hands. The historical and prophetic books are ones that are new to many students. It’s been wonderful to see them piece together this history of the Old Testament and the promises of God being fulfilled even in judgement.
Many of our students and teachers have recently had the privilege of participating in the first pastor’s conference for the Gulu Calvary Association. Over 19 churches were represented for the conference focusing on Calvary Distinctives, servant leadership, and unity among the brethren.
For more information about the Terebinth School of Discipleship, click here
The class studying Ezra’s background and timeline.

Dream Center Uganda Clinic

The clinic has continued to see more and more patients. Malaria is at a three year high. June was particularly bad for the community as well as our staff. We have seen a decrease in cases in the last month, praise the Lord!
We have been blessed to see our chaplain, Stephen, being utilized by staff and patients to seek counsel, prayer, and comfort. One case was particularly uplifting for staff. A young woman was brought in bleeding and needed immediate treatment. Shortly after, an abandoned baby had been brought in as well. It was determined that the young lady was the mother of the baby and had abandoned him out of fear (she is still in school). Stephen was able to pray with and counsel the girl and family and they decided to take the baby home and care for him after all! Praise God for healing families and bodies alike.
We have continued to expand our services and are looking to continue doing so in the future! Please pray for God to guide and direct all our deicisions as we try to offer the most comprehensive health services to the community.
For more information about the Dream Center Clinic, click
The beautiful new front of the clinic

BAM Enterprises

The last chicken house is nearly finished! We have continued to be unable to keep up with the demand for eggs. Our eggs are becoming more and more popular, and we are excited for the prospect of increasing our supply as we bring in new chickens. We were recently able to purchase a lorry (pronounced lore-ee). A lorry is a large truck for transport. We will be able to transport purchased products, as well as our products for sale much easier. We are also able to transport the food packages to the widows much more easily. 
BAM has been increasingly busy, which is amazing. We have had to build a new millhouse to accommodate the demands. The production for BAM’s business and the communities products to be milled were overwhelming our abilities. So we built a new millhouse to serve the community, while the big warehouse mills our products for sale.
For more information on BAM Enterprises, click here.
top left: the new millhouse structure; top right: new chicks growing up
bottom left: workers in the warehouse; bottom right: the new chicken house completed and the foundations of the next

Widows Ministry

The widows program has continued on well! It is such a blessing to see the local church caring for the widows in and around their space. Many have heard the gospel through the weekly discipleship. One deeply moving story came from the weekly discipleship recently. A woman’s son had been murdered in a clan disagreement. Several weeks into the program, she shared with her group that she had long been angry and hated the people who murdered her son. But after hearing the gospel and God’s love for her, she had been able to forgive those responsible and their families. She had been set free by the power of Jesus! 
Please join us in praying as we look to expand the program to more churches from the Terebinth School.
For more information on the Widows Program, click here.
Distribution of food packages