Charles Kinyera
Terebinth Ministries School of Discipleship students will be graduating in a few months and we would like to continue to celebrate our students as they move forward teaching in their churches and communities. We would like to introduce you to Charles.
Charles grew up in a poor family where his father had many wives and many children. Charles’s father abandoned his mother, leaving Charles fatherless and his mother to raise her children as if she were a widow. His mother struggled to pay school fees and did the best she could to provide, but Charles did not go far in his education because of the lack of income. Charles’ life changed on November 27, 1989 when he received Christ.

It was an unexpected day in 1989 when an army of rebels walked into Charles’ village. It would be a day that would change Charles’ perspective on life. The rebels were on edge because of the untrue accusation against Charles’ village of supporting the local government of Uganda. Consequently, they held captive their elder and demanded that he select 15 young boys to kill on that day. The elder was shaking as he pointed to Charles and Charles’ family members. However, Charles’ family was not enough, and the elder had to start selecting from his own family. He was sweaty and trembling with fear as he pointed to his nephews and other family members. The elder broke down emotionally and lost control of his entire body, even bowel control, which caused the rebels to walk away and not take action. On that day, Charles realized life is fragile as he faced the worst kind of fear. He dedicated his life to the Lord and hasn’t looked back since.
As time passed, Charles knew that the Lord was calling him to be a pastor, but at times he would fight this calling throughout his life. He had no training or formal education in the Bible. Nevertheless, he decided one day to step up to that calling and start teaching the Word of God as best he could. He struggled with managing the church and home life as he raised 4 boys and 4 girls, two of which are adopted. Charles wanted to give up and quit the ministry, but God kept encouraging him to endure and push forward. Due to his lack of Biblical knowledge, according to Charles, his teaching was not good. He would record other pastors’ lessons and then come back the following Sunday and share the same message. He would also get his sermons from the radio station. He said, “My church was not stable because they were hearing different things that were misleading them.”

Charles thanks God so much for his opportunity to join Terebinth School of Discipleship. He strongly desires to know the word of God in its fullness and truth. He now feels equipped to lead his church and teach good doctrine. Charles joined school nearly three years ago; he is set to graduate this coming July. He has excelled in his studies and has been given the privilege of being a part of Terebinth’s Widows Ministry, in which he leads 25 widows in his community through Bible studies on a weekly basis and administers monthly food packages to them. Charles has become a standout member of his community and is flourishing through the opportunity he has been given.

Charles would like to say thank you very much for your support that gave him this opportunity to learn the Bible and work with widows. The School of Discipleship has worked in and through his life in a great way! We want you to know you have played a key role in improving Charles’ life and how he has been impacting the Kingdom of God.
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