Terebinth Ministries

Meet Moses


We would like you to meet Moses. He is an employee of Terebinth Ministries and a student in the School of Discipleship. We are grateful for him and what God has done in his life.

Moses grew up in the village of Adak, just north of Gulu. He lost his father at a very young age. After this life-changing event, he was brought up by his mother as a fatherless child. Moses received Christ as a child. Throughout his life he was grateful for his early salvation; he knew that it was only the hand of God that sustained him. He saw God’s mighty hand of provision repeatedly in his life. The pastor that led Moses’ mother to Christ let Moses stay with him in town during his early educational years. This provided a safe home for Moses to learn about Christ. Moses returned to his mother in Adak as a teenager.

The war raging in northern Uganda changed everything for Moses’ family when they were displaced from their home in Adak to Opit (another town in the north). The land was being devoured by a group of rebels that were kidnapping children to become soldiers and wreaking havoc on anyone they came into contact with. Those who did not comply with the rebels were killed. Despite the horrors of the war, there was a glimmer of hope when Moses met his wife. He praises God for his wife and cherishes her greatly. She was an instrument of God’s protection when the rebel soldiers came looking for Moses to take him. In her self-sacrificing love, she took a spear in her back for him when she wouldn’t reveal his location to the soldiers. Through these tragic events and circumstances, Moses’s heart was prompted by the Lord to become a pastor in order to help many affected by the war. He has been doing the work of the ministry faithfully since that time.

Moses has been with Dream Center Uganda for nine years and works at BAM (Business as a Mission) Enterprises as the grain storage facility manager. He then felt God leading him to join the School of Discipleship, and has studied diligently and grown in his relationship with Christ as a result.


Now that Moses is in the School of Discipleship, many aspects of his life have changed for the better. He credits the school with helping him to understand and teach the Word with confidence. Through this, he is leading his church more effectively and cultivating a healthy community in Adak. This can be challenging due to the community having many witchdoctors and numerous conflicts. Moses’ growth in the Word of God has led to changes for his entire family. During his time in the school, Moses felt it was important to begin gathering his family in the evening to pray and study the Word together. This has become their daily routine. Moses and his wife, along with their nine beautiful children, are growing in Christ like never before.

Moses wants to thank you, the donors of Terebinth Ministries, for your faithful commitment to supporting the work in Northern Uganda.  It is making a great impact and he looks forward to seeing the school continue to reach more pastors so many more will be blessed by the pure teaching of the Word of God.

Blessings,Terebinth Ministries

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